This is Alec Baldwin as a lion. I was bored one day...and this is what happens. I really hope one day a remake of the wizard of oz is made that way I can send this photo into the producers and they are like yep...thats our man.
Soooo....Lost tonight... sucked pretty hard. I don't know if its the fact that the writers have just dug themselves into too big of a hole or what...but like the entire episode could have been two or three scenes and could have had the same impact. I still love the show and will watch it to the end. I'm just concerned about how it will end because has anyone ever noticed how in most series when they are coming to an end the cast plugs it on day/late night talk shows like " ITS AMAZING WATCH IT!". No. We aren't seeing that. Leading me to believe that even the cast isn't sure how the fans are going to take it...All I care is that Walt can dunk now...
Numba doo
Flip cuppin' Chicago Blackhawks are up 2-0 in game 6 and right as I type this Bobby Lu is complaining about his head or something...So I'm sure he will use that as his excuse why they are going to lose and get kicked out tonight. My prediction for a final score tonight 4-1 hawks...I hope.
I saw this very very clever ad on the good ol' 9oh5 board the otha day and was extremely unimpressed when I watched it the first time...but the second time watching made me "lol".
P.S. That dude reminds me of Andre The Giant so hard.
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